#PlayMonday (25/04/2016)

PlayMonday – Role reversal

Today our Health Unit woke up in a different way…  It woke up all reversed. The staff changed their “uniforms and roles” among themselves, spreading confusion and doubt between the clients and some collaborators that weren’t aware of the theme.

Everything began when unexpectedly our Social Worker and our Speech Therapist entered in a client’s room, dressed as auxiliaries, with the objective of waking her up and start the hygiene. The client, surprised with the “new auxiliaries”, stretched many times, questioning if it was a dream or reality, until she joined the play with a big smile.

But it didn’t end up here…
In the cafeteria, we had the Psychomotor Rehabilitation Technician and one of our Physiotherapists, dressed and designated as Auxiliary and
Socio-Cultural Instructor, waiting for our clients to serve them the breakfast          . Surprised faces, comments like “the models are swapped” were said by many clients.

In the Physiotherapy gym, appeared 3 different Physiotherapists… the Psychologist, a Auxiliary and the Technical Director. In the Occupational Therapy and Psychomotor Rehabilitation Therapy room we had an Auxiliary and the gardener doing their appropriate interventions with the appropriate equipment.  Many doubts arose, like “Did you changed jobs?”, “Here?”, “the uniform suits you!”. Still with some surprise because of this role reversal, the clients participated actively in the activity, following their routines, helping the inexperienced collaborators. In the Speech Therapy room, we had the Occupational Therapist leading off a session with a client. It entered the room and despite the doubtful expression, the client participated in the intervention.

Time to do the dressing change! As expected, the client was brought to the Nursing Treatment Room, where the Receptionist and the Socio-Cultural Instructor simulated the dressing change. Since this client was recently hospitalized in our Unit, he didn’t got surprised by the new faces!

In the recreation room cleaning we asked the collaboration of the Nurse and the Physiotherapy auxiliary, to substitute the usual cleaning auxiliaries. Many laughs were heard and funny comments as well.

To finish, a new client was admitted… No more, no less than our Physiotherapist, in a wheelchair and with everything that it was on her rights: nasogastric tube (simulation), restrains and hospital clothes. Accompanied by the Doctor, role that was played by the Occupational Therapist. There was a mix of emotions… Sorrow, angst, shock, however, after the initial reaction, the clients ended up laughing!

And everything changed and laughs in that room reigned !

Another dynamic that surprised our clients and it was delightful for us as technicians.